In the evening at around 5:00 Jonathan arrived with Zoey, she was here for the Parade of Honors. Zoey qualified by being a BISS, BIS winner and having a #1 Ranking. I always look forward to seeing my baby girl (my baby girl is 7), I love her so much. At 6:00 the Parade of Rescues started and as that was going on we got Zoey ready for her National debut since her tragic departure from the show ring. I took Zoey in to groom her up and make her look more beautiful than she already is. I called Amanda (Zoey's best friend and handler) to come down to the ballroom and to talk her into showing Zoey one last time. Amanda was so afraid that Zoey wouldn't remember her (they only spent 2 years 24/7 together when she was being shown), and I told her not to worry. We were all sitting around, and Amanda came and knelt down in front of Zoey. I gave Amanda some liver to feed Zoey and when Amanda said, "Hey Zoe Zoe" she couldn't wiggle into her lap fast enough. I thought she was gonna crawl right under her sjirt under her skin. The expression of pure joy on Zoey's face was one I will never forget. Amanda kind of lost it at that time, but I did manage to talk Amanda into taking Zoey in for the Parade of Honors.

Zoey was the last entrant in the Parade and we had her all fitted up in her wheels and her specially made drape and bling. As Zoey and Amanda made their way around the ring, the Parade chairman started reading her bio which read:
>>Zoey had to retire in the prime of her career in June 2006. Her US record: 18 Best In Show, 1 Best Puppy in Show, 3 Best In Specialty Show, 76 Group 1, 182 Best of Breeds (including BOB & Group 4 at Westminster), and many Group placements. She was in the Top 10 2004-2007. She was Hound of the Year 2003 in Canada. And in the US 2005's #1 Whippet, #3 Hound, #25 All Breed. Besides her amazing accomplishments, she has always had an amazing spirit and zest for life. She is a fighter, and her will to live is remarkable. Hugs to her major caregiver Jonathan. Words cannot express my thanks to you.<<
As the closing of her bio approached, the Parade of Honors chairman was in tears, I was in tears, Amanda was in tears, and I don't think there was a dry eye in the room. Zoey received a standing ovation from the very large crowd that gathered. I want to thank each and every one of you that supported our decision and made it a positive experience to have Zoey at the National. She truly enjoyed seeing her old friends and meeting lots of new ones.
Thanks Pat from Follow Your Lead for the beautiful bling and draping, (purple certainly is her color), and to Candace from Posh Paws (I think) for the gorgeous necklace you gave Zoey as a gift. It really sparkles, just like her personality.
I am so very proud of Zoey, not only for her wonderful show career, but for her unfaltering spirit, love of life, and the gift of determination she shows us every day. There ain't nothing Zoey can't do when she puts her mind to it. Keep on rollin' ZoeZoe!!!
If you'd like to see videos of Zoey in the Parade of Honors, click HERE.
If you'd like to see videos of Zoey after the National back home in Florida without her wheels, click HERE.
1 comment:
It is a beautiful,touching video of Zoey-I looked for you in the audience,but can't get through the video w/out the tears blocking my view!
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