In June Zoey had become very shaky on her rear legs, so there were tons more of x-rays, spinal taps, MRI's and more bloodwork done. The only conclusion the vets came to, and we actually thought this from the start, was that she was somehow poisoned. Zoey has always loved life, and dying was not an option in her mind. She is a fighter and has an extreme will to live.
In the ensuing months Zoey steadily got worse, but Debbie and co-owner/backer Dan did everything they could think of to make her comfortable. I went to Sporting Field later that year, and Zoey was a bit wobbly on her rear, but with her zest for life, ran around the farm, chasing the cats, and killing them when she caught them, and sometimes falling down. She was totally unaware she was not right.
I called about once a month inquiring about Zoey's health and it was always the same. When the year 2007 rolled around, the monthly discussions became tearful between Debbie and I cause we came to the realization that if Zoey was ever in pain it was a possibility we'd have to put Zoey down cause she was losing her rear totally, but we nixed that as she was still happy and although wobbly and falling over lots, she still had a bright spirit about her. We contemplated getting a wheelchair for her, but thought that may not be good cause she would lose total use of her rear end, and that would be it. At least while she was galloping around the yard, she was utilizing some muscle she did have back there.
An aquaintance of mine (never met the man, but know of his long standing history with whippets & greyhounds) emailed a few times even while Zoey was in her prime to say that, he knew Zoey wasn't being shown anymore, and he would love to have Zoey in her retirement (you know, once she is done having her babies and all). He would travel to the Florida shows when he could (he does live in Florida) just to see Zoey, he loved her that much.
Come July, discussion on Zoey's outcome was getting more grim and more tearful between Debbie and I. She was on a downhill slide, and sliding fast. I was going away on a 2 week family fishing trip to Canada, and if possible could Debbie please not put her to sleep while I was away, as I wanted to be there to see her one last time, hold her and tell her I love her with all my being and to bring her ashes back to Eclipse where, although she had only spent a few weeks as a baby here, she would spend eternity. It was agreed. Upon arriving home from my vacation, I called Debbie and went to Sporting Fields to see my Zoey. Debbie said she had improved when I was gone, and thinks she may hold steady, but I went anyway. When I saw Zoey, I cried, again along with Debbie, while we hugged each other. Her rear end was totally gone, but she could still pull herself up on her front and bunny hop around the yard, which made me smile wide, and she was turning into such a snob, I couldn't believe it, but she did remember me. (She would always remember my voice when I was near her and she's start her kangaroo hopping until I came over and said hello.) I spent a lot of alone time with my girl, and took a ton of pictures not knowing if those were the last I would get. I said a tearful goodbye to Zoey and Debbie and headed home.
August turned into September, September in October and into November we went. I had called Debbie one day asking about Zoey and she said that she was not doing good at all with the cold settling in and she thought it was time. I hung up and cried. Upon checking my emails that day, there was another email from this certain person that said he was still interested in Zoey, but he wouldn't continue to bug me about her and this would be the last time he'd email me, but to please keep him in mind. I emailed him explaining all about Zoey's "illness" and he said he would definitely love to have her with him. I called Debbie saying that before we put her down, to try this fantastic home in Florida. I told Debbie all about the home and arrangements were made. Debbie got Zoey a ride down to Georgia, and Zoey got a ride down to Florida with this mans Father who was driving in from Montana for the winter. It all worked out and on Zoey's 6th birthday, she arrived at the wonderful home of Jonathan Hart on the sunny, sandy beach of Fort Pierce.
To Be Continued...
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